Ark Real Estate (Pvt.) Ltd. is born to buid Prestigious Apartments
We think today what others think tomorrow
Ark Real Estate (Pvt.) Ltd. is born to buid Prestigious Apartments
We think today what others think tomorrow
Ark Real Estate (Pvt.) Ltd. is born to buid Prestigious Apartments
We think today what others think tomorrow
Arks Newsletter
We Think Today What Others
Think Tomorrow.
ARK Real Estate is nit only a name in real estate market but also an idea and dream of thousand of clients like you and millions of other prospects within the country and abroad. Unlike other real estate companies ARK has very strong financial support and expertise in Architectural, Neighborhood planning and housing development and of course to construct your dream home and business space. Our reputed Architects and Engineers are very much concern about your investment, which signifies your dream and aspirations.

ARK Real Estate (Pvt.) Ltd. Is Born
To Build Prestigious Apartment.
"ARK Real Estate has very strong financial support and expertise in Architectural

Board Of Directors

Vice Chairman
Name : Mirza Ashab Baig

Managing Director
Name : Muhammed Muntasir Ali

Vice Chairman
Name : Abdul Gofur
Gall Ery

Ark Real Estate (Pvt.) Ltd.
ARK Real Estate (Pvt.) Ltd. is born to build prestigious apartment. We think today what others think tomorrow. ARK Real Estate is not only a name in real estate market but also an idea and dream of thousand of clients like you and millions of other prospects within the country and abroad. Unlike other real estate companies. ARK Real Estate has very strong financial support and expertise in Architectural, Neighborhood planning and Housing Development and of course to construct your dream home and business space. Our reputed Architects and Engineers are very much concern about your investment, which signifies your dream and aspirations. ARK HOMES is our current project in Sylhet. It is located in the central hub of Sylhet City very much convenient to city centre, Hazrat Shah Jalal (Rh), dargah sharif, Sylhet City Corporation. It is well furnished with modern amenities, fixtures and facilities. The charming and quite location of prestigious heritage gives a real sense of living in peace and comfort. Finally, we are determined to put ourselves in the front line of housing sector through our works in future to build a planned, productive and healthier environment around us
Ark Real Estate (Pvt.) Ltd.
ARK Real Estate (Pvt.) Ltd. is born to build prestigious apartment. We think today what others think tomorrow. ARK Real Estate is not only a name in real estate market but also an idea and dream of thousand of clients like you and millions of other prospects within the country and abroad. Unlike other real estate companies. ARK Real Estate has very strong financial support and expertise in Architectural, Neighborhood planning and Housing Development and of course to construct your dream home and business space. Our reputed Architects and Engineers are very much concern about your investment, which signifies your dream and aspirations. ARK HOMES is our current project in Sylhet. It is located in the central hub of Sylhet City very much convenient to city centre, Hazrat Shah Jalal (Rh), dargah sharif, Sylhet City Corporation. It is well furnished with modern amenities, fixtures and facilities. The charming and quite location of prestigious heritage gives a real sense of living in peace and comfort. Finally, we are determined to put ourselves in the front line of housing sector through our works in future to build a planned, productive and healthier environment around us

Get In touch & Let Us know how can we help we
- Dishari-1,Hawapara East Zindabazar,Sylhet
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